Weight Lost Challenge

So I started my weight loss fitness challenge this week, and so far, it's going well. (Have some more baby weight to lose..LOL!)
 I started on Monday where I only drink fluids throughout the day (green juice, fruit juice, soy milk, green tea, water, ect--NO SODA PEOPLE) and then I would eat dinner and I do not eat anything after 8pm. ( In the morning, I would drink a green juice blend which consist of Kale, Green Apples, Celery, Broccoli, and Spanish. Put all of that into the juicer and drink it, it not as bad as you think... trust me!
With this diet, I am cleansing the body of impurities and regulating the digestive system while losing some weight.. I still have on my baby weight that I need to loose. So with that being said, I am excited to do this. This is the first week and I feel great! I really feel that always wanting something to eat is all Mental... All Mental!! I haven't felt hungry at all, and I have soo much energy.
Here some recipes if you would like to give it a try. The goal is to cleanse your body, you can choose if you would like to eat lunch or dinner. Challenge yourself to not eat after a certain time.


1 Apple
2 Pears
1 Piece Ginger (thumb sized)

Carrot-Kale Combo

1 Green Apple
3 Handfuls spinach
6-8 Kale Leaves
4 Large Carrots
1 Piece Ginger (thumb sized)

Green Lemonade

1 Green Apple
3 Handfuls Spinach
6-8 Kale Leaves
½ Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
½ Lemon

Will post before and after pics!!

-Keeping Mom's First-



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