Hello Lovely YMM Readers, Welcome to the weekend!
  How cute is this cat?...LOL!!!
TGIF... The weekend is here... and all I can say is Thank God!! Yayyyy.. So what are your plans for this weekend.  This weekend I challenge all you moms and for those who are not moms to do something for yourself. Take this weekend to focus on you. During the week, we are all busy, working, coming home to cook dinner, tending to children, changing diapers, and all the other stuff, but the question is what is it that you do for yourself during the week? As for me, I don't do much. I work late some night, go home to cook dinner, tend to my boys, my hubby, and my newborn, so there's not much time for me.

So this weekend, I will be putting some focus on myself. I'll be having a beauty date today, and on Saturday and Sunday it will be my spa and shopping day.. and who doesn't LOVE that! I'll be posting all good bargains from my shopping spree.

So your challenge this weekend is to FOCUS ON YOU!!!

Post what you've done for yourself this weekend!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!

-Keeping Moms First



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