Back to School Fitness

Hello YMM readers,
   I've been super busy at work & at home, but now I'm BACK!!!
Our children are gearing up to return to school, and within the next few months, we will be swamped with homework, science projects, mid-term exams, essays, and extra-curricular activities and as moms what can we do to get ourselves moving into losing those few pounds and keeping on track with our fitness goals? Making small adjustments to our lives will intere create huge success. I'm getting ready for my Back to School Fitness Makeover. Starting next week, I'll be detoxing, re-vamping my workout plan, making a few changes to my eating habits and retuning my mind. Here are some ways to get your Back to School Fitness On....

-Set a Specific Goal & Timeline
 What is it that you want to accomplish and how long should it take you to reach your goal.

-Stay on Track
   It's very east to fall off track and revert back to your old ways, but in order to stay on track look at your ultimate goal. If  you revert, think of how much longer it will take for you to get where you need to be.

-Get Motivated
  This is something that we all need...MOTIVATION!! How can you stay motivated? Have or join a support group. It's a know fact that if you have someone pushing you, you will be more pron to continue. Keep a journal of your results, its a good visual motivator.

-Workout & Stay Consistent/ Make it Fun
   While we all have a tendency of starting a workout and then fall off and not being consistent, I know I'm guilty of this, but in order for us to see results we have to put in the work. If you don't put in the work, how do you expect to see results? Making it fun should be the easy part...LOL!! Find sports or activities that you enjoy, then vary the routine to keep you on your toes. If you're not enjoying your workouts, take a dance class, or join a volleyball/ softball team.Remember, exercise doesn't have to be drudgery — and you're more likely to stick with a fitness program if you're having fun!

-De-Stress & Clear your Mind
   Mental Sanity should also be a part of your fitness routine. There are many ways to de-stress, such as deep breathing (which helps calm your nerves), stike a pose (Yoga, which can help with relieving stress and clearing your mind), light a lavender candle (sniffing the scent can lower levels of stress-related chemicals),
Chomp on chocolate (cocoa increases your body's levels of neurochemicals, helping you relax), and
Pucker up (a little lip-action releases feel-good hormones. Mwah!)

I will be posting helpful workout plan to assist you and also featuring a personal trainer who can offer advice to you.

Challenge yourself to a 12 week Back to School Fitness Challenge.
My challenge starts next week, will post before & after pictures.

**Remember, fitness is not just an outside thing... it works from the inside out...
                                                                   Mind, Body, Spirit**

-Keeping Mom's First-



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