Fitness Monday

Happy Monday All,
   YMM is dedicating Mondays to focus on your health and fitness. As moms, we rip and run and do not have the time to do anything for ourselves, better yet, even think about working out. But, it's time that we put some time aside and dedicate ourselves to getting back in shape. Yes, it may be hard to do, but the we have to take small steps in order to see BIG results. So every Monday on YMM, I will address our healthy, quick and easy work out plans, healthy eating tips/ recipes, and fitness tips, among many others.
So with that being said, here is today Fitness & Health Tips:

-Super Food For Glowing Skin-

Your Problem: Acne
Foods to Eat:  Sweet potatoes, leafy greens such as spinach,  kale, broccoli, bright red, yellow and orange produce such as carrots, raw oysters, beef sirloin, omega- 3 Fatty acids, canola oil.

Your Problem: Dull, Dry Skin
Foods to Eat:  Omega- 3 Fatty Acids, canola oil, soybean oil, canned light tuna, eggs, avocado,  salmon.

Your Problem: Signs of Aging
Food to Eat:  Vitamin A, Sweet potatoes, leafy greens such as spinach,  kale, broccoli, bright red, yellow and orange produce such as carrots. Vitamin C & E, red bell peppers pineapple, kiwifruit, strawberries,  Nuts and seeds such as almonds, tomato products such as pasta sauce.

Fitness Tip of the Day
~Hot Yoga~
What is Hot Yoga, it is a series of yoga poses done in a heated room. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. As you can imagine, a vigorous yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating and makes the body very warm, and therefore more flexible.

I've hearing about this and decided that I'll give it a try . I have practice yoga before but stopped about a year ago. On Saturday, I will have my first experience with Bikram Hot Yoga.  I'm excited , but yet a bit nervous... This will be an experience...
Time to rejuvenate my body, re tune my mind, and reclaim my spirit.
I will let you all know how it goes.

Remember, do something for YOU today!



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