Coffee Talk Thursday

Today's topics on Coffee Talk Thursday is:
-Getting the Spark Back into Your Relationships!

Have you lost your FIRE in your relationship? Don't lose hope if you have... you can get the FIRE back.
“Love is like a campfire: It may be sparked quickly, and at first the kindling throws out a lot of heat, but it burns out quickly. For long lasting, steady warmth (with delightful bursts of intense heat from time to time), you must carefully tend the fire.” ~ Molleen Matsumura

Here are some ways to get the spark back into your relationships:

-Identifying the Love Language & Deliver it- which is a language we all speak.  Saying words of affirmation... "baby you look really nice today"..." thank you for taking out the trash...ect ect. If you speak it, you also have to deliver it as well. Giving lots and lots of kisses never hurts! Saying I Love you, never hurt either!

-Spend Quality Time Together- this at times can be hard especially if you have children, but this is a way to get that spark back. Find a sitter, head out for a nice, quite dinner, or even a movie and ice cream, this gives you a chance to talk and enjoy each others company. Spending quality time together is key in maintaining a relationship.

-Be Adventurous- Do something out of the norm.... something fun.... something exciting. Better yet, add a new location or position in your sex life.

-Element of Surprise- An unexpected gestures. Send flowers to work to her one day, bring him home a gift, or something he's been wanting.

-Date Night- Plan regular date nights, at least 3 times a month. A nice night out on the town together.  A walk in the park, something! 
 Since having our baby, my hubby and I haven't really had the time to have our date night. We are now trying to get back to having regular date nights. This weekend will be our first date night since having the baby, and I am super excited!! yayyy

Hope this was helpful

Keeping mom's first



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